Tag Archives: Investing

Paying Off House

Image of Should you pay off your house early - Lifestyle Equity Builder

The American Dream…Owning your own home. For the majority of us, that means a mortgage.

Most home mortgages are set up for 30 years duration, with that in mind, most people think they will have moved on before 30 years is up, and the idea of paying the house off is not even considered. Continue reading

Financial Freedom

Financial Freedom

Six Steps to Financial Freedom

You can achieve FINANCIAL FREEDOM or financial security by following the Six Steps to Financial Freedom.

You may have heard of or read the book “The Millionaire Next Door.” In it they say that millionaires “allocate their TIME, ENERGY, and MONEY efficiently, in ways conducive to building wealth.” For financial freedom you have to make the most of your money. You can with a new way of thinking. Continue reading

Pay Off Mortgage Early – Yes/No?

Mortgage Pay Off – Early?

The questions is, “should I pay off my mortgage early?” To answer that question you have to ask yourself a number of questions: Continue reading