Category Archives: Money Management

HELOC Mortgage

Image of Make your home equity work for you - Lifestyle Equity Builder

This is the final in a 3 part series of articles addressing Reverse Mortgages, sometimes call Equity Conversions or Equity Release.

In this article we will address an alternative solution to Reverse Mortgages or a New Way of thinking…HELOC Mortgage or Home Equity Line of Credit.

Fortunately, for the majority of families with good fiscal responsibility, there is another methodology that can be used to accomplish the same thing at zero (0) costs Continue reading

Equity Conversion

Negatives of Equity Conversion - Lifestyle Equity Builder

In our last post we talked about some of the positive aspects of an Equity Release Loan, also called a Reverse Mortgage or a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage.

So you can make a better decision, in this article we’ll talk about some of the negative features of an Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM). Continue reading

Equity Release

Baby Boomers are interested in Equity Release loans - Lifestyle Equity Builder

With 70,000 baby boomers per month entering their 60’s, the lenders for Equity Release programs or Reverse Mortgages (Home Equity Conversion Mortgage – HECM) are cranking up their advertising.

The Reverse Mortgage is advertised with benefits that sound very attractive. Continue reading